Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One Week Later...

The big ice storm of 2011 began one week ago.
Here is where we are today...

Icy back walkway, in part due to the fact that we shoveled off most of the snow.

Skating rink for a driveway.

ICY, ICY front sidewalk.

Plants buried under ice and snow.

Gross, brown ice mountain surrounding each side of our driveway.
One wrong move to either side and "ouch" to the car.

I am hearing a possible temperature of 5 degrees tonight.

Next summer, when I am complaining of being too hot, I will take a look at this post.
Being hot isn't so bad.

Stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Yep that's right... one wrong move and you'll end up with a cracked bumper like poor little Stella!! :(
