Monday, January 14, 2013

upward and onward

The kitchen backsplash is up and grouted.
Sealing and then caulking are up next.
I am amazed at how the simple tile changes this space into a kitchen.

Steve has begun to put up the trim.
Once it is all up I can paint it a bright white.

Finally, I now have a bulletin board for the kitchen.

I found these little wooden tacks which match part of our cabinets.

We do need to find the lamps I purchased that are from an old Burger King.
We think they may be in our neighbor's house.
No, they didn't steal them.
It is a long story, but I have casually mentioned to Steve that it is now time to find those things and get them hung.

The list is getting shorter:

finish and hang cabinet doors
clean all cabinet interiors (open concept cabinetry is not for me!)
unpack any kitchenware still in boxes and organize the inside of the cabinets
make archway from living room to kitchen (Steve's idea, not mine)

move Hoosier cabinet to the basement
move Grandma Bessie's 1950's stove to the garage
build wall and opening from the kitchen to the mudroom
move fridge
move the coffee cabinet into the house, then add counter and tile
paint the rest of the kitchen walls and the ceiling
lay flooring
finish all trimwork
finish painting the windows

the list looks long, but we are slowly but surely getting there!


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