Saturday, November 5, 2011

This Week

Gus loved carving pumpkins with Aunt Meesh for Halloween.

 Michelle spent an afternoon sewing her owl costume.  It is quite lovely.

There was a little dinosaur trick-or-treating at our house!

Steve put in the first new window in our kitchen.
Since we will have cabinets under the windows,
he has to build the wall up for the smaller window to fit.

Michelle was the Speedway High School Student of the Month for October.
Here she is with her favorite teacher, Mrs. Harrison (who nominated her) and Steve.
Steve was able to leave work for an hour to attend the little ceremony.
The teaching profession doesn't allow me to leave for an hour.
Bummer for me.

Gus came over to play trains with Papaw.
He loves putting together the train track.

What a busy and fun week!

Take care,

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