Monday, November 14, 2011

A job to love

I remember pulling my car up to school and thinking I was the luckiest person to have a job that I loved.
This happened often.
I was telling a young teacher this story one day and she absolutely couldn't believe it.
I realized it had been a long while since I had thought it.

But, I still do like my job.
I enjoy the children.  
They can be so funny.

Teaching science and social studies is often my favorite time of day.

I just graded some reading tests that amazed me. 
They are learning!

I work with the best staff.
Administration is mixing us up in other buildings next year.
Thursday we will find out who will go and who will stay.
It is tough to have our school family split up. 

Thanksgiving vacation will be welcome.

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. I love these glimpses into your other life that I so often hear about. These children are so blessed to have you be a teacher and role model in their life. Well, me too, actually! :)
