Thursday, August 4, 2011


Michelle and Steve are on their way to Cincinnati
for the Paul McCartney concert.

Birthday present for Steve from me.

Kind of wish I was going,
but it will be a nice father/daughter adventure.

So, I am on my own until tomorrow.

First of all today, I tried to get a picture of Miss Mookie.
With half a dozen very blurry pictures, this is the best.
Mookie is leaving her "food cave" where her
food is safe from Henry.

Bought a Starbucks gift card for a teacher friend
at school who helped me yesterday with my new
Smartboard and my new laptop.
He is very helpful with this sort of thing and seems
to enjoy helping some of us teachers who aren't
so gifted in the area of technology.

I just remembered I have $$$ on a Starbucks card.
Why can't I ever remember I have those?

Hopped over to Mom's church for their annual
Mission Sale.
We donated tons this year.
Of course, I always find stuff there to buy, too.
I rationalize that I am donating to a good cause.
I came home with these...

The brown case is some sort of old camera case.
There are a few old photographic odds and ends inside.
I will let Eric look at them.
The leather is in great shape.
I will probably use it as storage at school.

The tackle box is a great green color.
Hardly any rust (just the right amount.)
With cubbies inside,
I may use it in the craft room
or at school.

Plus, inside there is this really cool folding, wooden ruler.

These are Mom's sweet friends who charged all of three dollars
for everything.
I also found out that the tackle box belonged to his father.
I like that.

 Later, I think I may
paint some frames,
clean up the craft room,
read a book,
take Henry for a walk,
sweep up cat hair (always!)
craft in my journals,
watch a movie.

I'll just see how the day goes.

At least I have a guard dog!

Take care,


  1. Look at Henry's leg! I love his little pork-chops!!

  2. Oh and ps.... for the 1 millionth time.. wish you were there!!
