Friday, August 5, 2011

so much for my guard dog

I was in bed around 12:30 last night (this morning.)
I know I went right to sleep with Henry by my side.
At about 1:15, I woke up to a sound like a car going down the street
with a very flat tire.

I dozed and woke up to that sound a few minutes later.
At that point it sounded like someone was knocking at my door.
My heart was pounding.
Guard dog was snoozing by my side.

Awake, I heard it again, and again, and again.

Until it finally dawned on me---

as I was cleaning the craft room, the closet door was open.
Of course, in typical Mookie style, she wandered in and found
a cozy, hiding place to take a cat nap.
Then I closed the door.

Mookie was pawing at the door to get out -
going at it full force.

Silly cat.

I think I turned on every light in the house to
go down and let her out.

Out she slunk, angrily meowing at me all the way.

She seems put out with me this morning.

I think Henry feels guilty for sleeping through the whole thing
and not trying to save me.

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. Silly Mookie... I don't think she'll ever learn! Remember when she got locked in the hall closet all day... haha she's silly!
