Saturday, August 20, 2011

finding a balance

School has begun for both Michelle and me.
Michelle seems happy to be back in school.
Speedway High School does a nice job giving the seniors some perks
(like being able to leave school a little early when there is a convo that
they don't need to attend at the end of the day.)

Well, so far I have not been such a happy camper.
But, I know things will get better.
I love the people I work with.
I just need to find that balance between work and home.

My first thought at going to the high school football game last night?
No way, I have so much to do this weekend for school and won't be
home much.

But I needed the football game.
Friday night football games in a small town are fun.
I saw friends and neighbors.
Michelle and Steve were there.
Erin, Eric, and Gus were there.

To survive the year, I must find this balance
between schoolwork and family fun.

One day at a time.

Take care,


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