Monday, August 15, 2011

A brand new plant

Recently, Michelle
burned herself on the hair straightener.
I remembered having
an aloe vera plant in
my kitchen for years
as Ted and Erin were growing up.
The sap inside the plant
helps heal burns and quickly
takes away the sting.
I even remember using it
on sunburns.

So, I was then wishing I had an aloe
plant for Michelle to use.

Well, the other day, on the second of
two trips to the grocery store
I saw some aloe plants for sale.

I snagged one and now have
it happily growing on my
sunny kitchen windowsill.

They take very little care, just
sunlight and a little bit of water.
Let's just hope Miss Mookie
doesn't discover this lovely, little plant!

Take care,

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