Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well yesterday, the "best garage sale" neighborhood was almost a bust.

Most of the sales featured tables piled high with clothes and had plastic toys littering the driveways.

I say "almost" because I did find this wonderful globe.

Lately, I have been wanting to find some old globes.
Not only do they have the most beautiful colors,
I find it interesting to see how many countries I can find that no longer exist.

This globe was probably one that rested in one of my classrooms as I grew up.
The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics is boldly printed.

Plus, I bought this globe from an elderly gentleman who guessed I was a teacher
(do only teachers buy globes?)
He was so very sweet as he proceeded to tell us about his great-grandmother
who was a teacher in the late 1800's.  
This gentleman and his globe made my day.

On another note for the day...
We, of course, somehow ended up at the Twist n' Pup after dinner.
Having an ice cream parlor just down the street can be dangerous during warm weather!
A big storm blew in (luckily we live close by) and a transformer blew.
We  spent the evening (until 3:00 am) without electricity.

I really didn't mind since we have a nice cool basement.
I lit candles and we read by flashlight until we dozed off.

Ahhh, summer in Indiana.
I am already loving it.


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