Saturday, June 11, 2011

annual Wasatch meeting

This has become an annual Boone Hay/Steve Hay family ritual
(or in other words, any excuse to eat at 'Mug n' Bun'!)

We have gone together to Wasatch Lake enough now to know that we must plan beforehand.

This certainly helps us bring what we need and not duplicate items.

Of course,
the fun of eating fried foods and drinking homemade root beer
at the outdoor, sticky tables is always a treat.

So, we combine both for a dinner out with family.

Lists made, we are ready to gather what we need for our vacation at the end of next week!

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Okay, when I saw your title, I thought, "which of my bloggers is posting about Utah?!?" (You can see the Wasatch Mountains from my sister's back yard.)

    Looks like fun and like you will have a great time!
