Sunday, March 13, 2011


We have friendships with citizens of Motegi, Japan.
All we know right now is the belief that most citizens are well.
Motegi has no electricity, no water, and no internet service.
Most, if not all buildings are cracked and damaged.
The town has one working phone (which is how we are getting information.)
Michelle has emailed three families.
We know we will not receive emails back from them soon.

Yesterday, we were rear-ended on a busy road by a truck.
Luckily, we were in my Volvo and not the Malibu.  
Mom was in the back seat.
Michelle was in the front passenger seat.
We spent hours in the hospital getting checked out.
I think we are fine, but sore.
Thank goodness.
After the results of Mom's cat scan came back clear,
but with the knowledge that she had quite a bit of arthritis in her neck,
she responded with, "Well, I already knew that!"

Tough, tough couple of weeks at school.

Today was supposed to be a crafting day for March.
Maybe Lily can come over here.
Don't know how much crafting there will be,
but I think it will be just what we need.

So, what I learned this week...
Vehicles can be fixed.  
The teaching career has its ups and downs.
With the past couple of down weeks, the next couple of weeks should be up weeks.
Life is about cherishing friendships and family.


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