Wednesday, June 20, 2012

another little project

I have lately had a burst of creative energy.
This project was inspired by something 
I saw somewhere online.
I have searched and searched, but can't find it.
However, the mental picture has stayed with me.
Cleaning out my closet for the upteenth time,
 I found an old IKEA light. 
I originally bought this light for our porch.
Since we have no porch, 
I figured it would be the perfect base for my new bedroom lamp. 

Ripping strips of linen 
(of which I seem to have piles)
I stitched the strips to the lamp.

Doing this by hand took longer, 
but I didn't mind.

Fairy lights surround the original lamp,
and I love how they
peek through the linen strips.

So we don't have to look at the wires,
I wrapped them in some twine.

If we ever get a porch,
I can always take off the linen.

Until then,
I will enjoy my new creation.

Take care,

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