Tuesday, December 13, 2011

August was here!

Erin and Eric were gone and we had Gus for part of the weekend.
He was the best behaved little man, and it was lonely when he went home.

Yes, animals from the manger enjoyed watching the little train, too.

August spent most of his time playing with the train.
He spent hours playing with the train.
We spent hours playing with him and just watching.
(If he seems blurry in some of these pictures, this is only because that little man was always moving!)

We also took him to the high school for a Winter Wonderland with Santa and Mickey Mouse.
Santa wasn't bad, if he wasn't too close.

Gus wrote Santa a letter.
He asked for cookies and dinosaurs.

Mickey Mouse was quite scary.

But, the cookies were delicious!

Some quotes we heard over and over again that made us smile -

"I need help."
(Usually when the train track came apart.)

"Oh no, cow."
(Or a train will plow through you.)

"Oh no, horse."
(Or you'll get wiped out by a train.)

"I play with train."
(As soon as he was out of bed, finished with his bath, or finished eating.)

"I want tookie (cookie.)"
(Whenever he thought he could get one.)

What a happy little man!

Take care,

1 comment:

  1. I think Mickey would be scary too. Seems like you had a lovely weekend. I quite enjoyed the quotes. Looks like the little man really loves his cookies. Thanks for sharing!
