Sunday, April 3, 2011

The garden is ready!

Yesterday, I finished cleaning out my garden beds.

They really weren't in bad shape.
I just needed to clean out some leaves and a handful of tiny weeds.
Mostly, I added some compost that has been cooking since last fall.
This is the third year for adding compost to the spring garden,
and I am so happy with the crumbly soil I now have.

This is the first time I have actually drawn up garden plans.

As I was adding the compost, I noticed some tiny sprouts of rhubarb.  Yum!

Planting early spring seeds,
we soon hope to have some yummy peas, spinach, lettuce, and arugula.
I think I will  plant some more peas next weekend to have a later harvest.

(Won't be long until we see little pea sprouts!)

Love this time of the year!


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